UX/UI Design
UX Research
4 weeks
the problem
Volta is a new travel booking company seeking to provide consumers with the opportunity to time travel to over 250 destinations. Although it has the advantage of having this groundbreaking technology, Volta needs to be able to compete with current travel booking competitors and provide their customers with the best experience possible.
the solution
Due to time travel being a unique experience and new technology, Volta needs an easy-to-use responsive website that is both accessible and approachable. By creating a brand influenced by social media, Volta is looking become the newest trend in travel.
How can a new technology be as approachable as possible?
project goals
understanding trends
In order to create the best product, I conducted a competitive analysis to look at industry trends and where Volta's competitors both succeeded and fell short with their websites.

Some trends across Volta's direct competitors were that there was a sense of community with user reviews and photos. There were extensive travel bundles available, and features such as customization and personalized recommendations were present in the most popular booking sites. Some of Volta's other competitors, like Airbnb and Vrbo, are known for their intuitive interface, comprehensive set of experiences, and a modern design that relies mainly on beautiful listing photos.

It was especially important to note where all these competitors fell short so I could inform my design decisions for Volta's website.
"I don't think I've ever had a positive experience [when planning a trip] because it's always stressful."
feedback from users
User interviews were conducted to pinpoint user needs and frustrations. Most participants agreed on wanting a centralized travel booking experience that would let them see all their bookings and reservations in one place.

All 4 participants travel between 5-6 times a year.
The people interviewed were between 23-28 years old.
target audience
To consolidate all of the users' needs, motivations, and frustrations, a persona was created to have a specific user in mind when designing Volta's key features.

This persona is very social media driven, and wants to save time by having good organization and centralized trip planning. She also has a lot of concerns regarding safety.
"I wish everything was kind of bundled. Like, let's say if I'm searching for a restaurant, then it should be very analytical but aesthetically pleasing."
research-driven organization
It was also important to conduct an open card sort for Volta because there are so many trip offerings. This card sort was done to get a better understanding of how users would navigate Volta's website.

All participants created 5 groups for their card sorts.
3/4 participants created groups according to activities.
The only historical grouping created: older events.

Although this was very informative in how the users might look for information on this site and how the site map would be created, it is important to note that Volta would still need additional sorting methods such as geographic location and by time period to make sure the site is accessible to people of all ages and levels of historical knowledge.
mapping flows
Before building out the wireframes, it was important to go through the main task flow of booking a trip to identify what key pages needed to be prioritized. Although additional pages could be added to the flow in the next steps of Volta's development, the six pages addressed in this case study for the sake of the main flow were the Home Page, Search Results Page, Trip Details Page, Traveler Details Page, Checkout Page, and the Confirmation Page.
Detailed User Flow
key features
The research informed a lot about what features would be needed to address the user frustrations. It was important to identify which features would be added based on both the competitive and user research.
These features were then implemented in Volta's initial sketches and wireframes.

Simple, intuitive interface
Main search CTA (location, time period, dates)
Section to explore trip offerings for new users

Extensive safety guidelines
Centralized trip itinerary and bookings
Social media-like reviews and photos

creating social media-friendly branding
Volta's main demographic it is trying to market towards is a younger audience that seeks unique travel experiences to share on social media. This would benefit Volta's advertising, especially when appealing to influencers who travel for the "aesthetic."

It was important that Volta's branding reflected a modern, trendy, and unique feel. However, it was also important to make the branding feel approachable and accessible with a clean interface, much like one of its competitors Airbnb, that makes it easy-to-use for all age groups.

• Goal: avoid making Volta feel too "sci-fi" or too "high tech," which may drive away older users who are intimated by the new travel technology.
Volta's website keeps a minimal interface that maintains the color palette. A main CTA allows users to search for trips they already have in mind based on location, time period, dates, etc.
A navigation bar drops down to show users all of Volta's trip options by category, sorted by activity, time period, and location for users of all levels of historical knowledge.
To address having too many options available for users to scroll through, an extensive filter is available on the search results page. Users are able to filter by various categories, activities, geographic location, and time period. Centralized trip planning was also something users were actively seeking out - Volta allows users to book all their add-ons in one place with their trip, and shows the trip summary and full reservation itinerary at all times.
View Prototype
testing + feedback
After developing the product, it was important to put Volta's website to the test with some usability testing.
Amongst the successes, all users mentioned appealing colors and design, as well as ease of use. Users thought Volta was successful in creating an intuitive site.
However, there were some pain points that needed to be addressed. After finding the patterns across each category of the user feedback, I identified what features would be necessary to address those concerns, as well as what were the priority revisions.
next steps
Although I've successfully created the main task flow for Volta's responsive site, the next steps would be to create pages for other user flows, such as account creation, saved trips, add-ons, etc. It would also be necessary to test those additional user flows with more usability tests, as well as conducting those usability tests with a wider demographic to make sure the website is as accessible and approachable as intended. Lastly, working with a developer would help identify what elements aren't working as successfully or as intended.